We current classify club rides as below:
- “A” rides are generally between 20 to 30 miles in length with an average pace of about 11 MPH. The pace is dictated by the slowest riders.
- “B” ride distances range from 30 to 40+ miles at approximately 12 to 14 MPH pace. No one gets left behind.
- “B+” rides might cover between 40 and 50+ miles at a similar pace to the B rides. Again, no one is left behind.
We occasionally undertake longer, all-day rides and Century (100 mile) rides for riders who might want to venture further afield.
Club members accrue points for their participation in club rides.
A single ride point is awarded to each rider for every club ride completed. The ride points are logged on the club points spreadsheet and the riders with the most points are acknowledged at the end of every Club Run year which starts from November and runs through to the end of October the following year. There are individual awards for Men, Women and Juniors (boys & girls).
First-time Century rides are also acknowledged.