Dear Club Secretary
I’ve mentioned in earlier communications that South Midlands CTT are organising the RTTC National Circuit Championships on Sunday June 6th on the NC/16 course at Naseby and that I am the organiser.
There has obviously been much uncertainty as to whether the event would go ahead, and, if so, in what form.
Assuming that Covid restrictions are lifted in accordance with the recent government ‘roadmap’, we will be able to run the event as an ‘normal’ national championship.
The equivalent event last year attracted 180 riders, so I would anticipate as large a field this year. This means that we need lots of marshals etc. to successfully run the event.
I am contacting all South East Midlands District clubs to ask if they could provide help on the day.
Would you please inform me if your club could provide assistance to run the event on behalf of the District.
Kind regards
Dave Birch (Secretary. S.E.M. C.T.T)
South East Midlands District Secretary: Dave Birch, 22 Greenway, Kibworth, Leicester LE8 0LU, tel: 0116 2792756,