We welcome new members of all ages and abilities, especially people new to cycling

Just contact the Membership Secretary. You are very welcome to come and join any of our club runs, without any obligation to join, for three complimentary runs. This is how I became a member. Previously I was happy to cycle on my own. I then discovered how much more enjoyable it was to cycle with like-minded people as in the A5 Rangers Cycling Club. Come and give it a go!

How to join

Membership fees:

JUNIOR (9-17 years) Β£10 per year

ADULT (18 years and above) Β£35 per year

LIFE – to be awarded by the committee.

To join send or email a completed Membership Application Form to the Membership Secretary at the address on the form.

If you are U18 please also ask your parent or guardian to include a completed parental consent form with your membership application.